Chevalier Baltazar
Geneviève Prémoy, known as “Chevalier Baltazar”, was a contemporary of La Maupin’s. She was a decorated officer in the army of Louis XIV, and officially permitted to wear the uniform jacket of his army with a woman’s skirt. As another cross-dressing, sword-wielding French woman, she makes an interesting contrast with Julie. There is no historical evidence that they ever met, but there is a plausible reason for them to, and I have made use of it in my novel.
We have two engravings of Chevalier Baltazar, made during her life or shortly thereafter. The first was published by Nicolas Arnould of Paris, and the second was created by Jacobus Harrewijn of Brussels. I have cleaned them up some and included them below.
Chevalier Baltazard, from Arnould

Here is the portrait of the Captain of Carabiniers, who was presented to the King in October 1692 dressed as a woman and who, in fact, was recognized as such due to a wound she received in her breast. She had been serving the King in his armies for eighteen to twenty years. His Majesty granted her a brevet as a Knight of the Military Order of Saint Louis, of which she wears the Cross, along with an annual pension of nine hundred livres. She was known by the name Chevalier Baltazard, and now, by order of the King, she wears a skirt, but she also wears a justaucorps, along with a hat, a wig, and a sword at her side.
—In Paris, at N. Arnould’s, rue de la Fromagerie, at Les Halles, with the King’s privilege.
Voici le Portrait du Capitaine de Carabiniers, qui fut présenté au Roy au mois d’octobre 1692 habillé en femme et qui, en effet, a esté reconnu pour telle par une blessure qu’elle a reçue au sein. Elle servoit le Roy dans ses Armées depuis dix-huit à vingt ans. Sa Majesté luy a accordé un brevet de Chevalier de l’Ordre Militaire de St. Louis dont elle porte la Croix avec une Pension Annuelle de Neuf Cents livres. Elle étoit connue sous le nom du Chevalier Baltazard et à présent elle aprît par ordre du Roy une jupe, mais elle porte un Justaucorps, avec le Chapeau, la Perruque et l’épée au côté.
—A Paris Chez N. Arnould, rue de la Fromagerie aux Halles avec Pr. du Roy.
Chevalier Baltazar by Harrewijn
This version was used in her autobiography “Histoire de la Dragone contenant Les Actions Militaires & les Aventures de Genevéve Prémoy, sous le nom du Chevalier Baltazar”, published by the widow of Amable Auroy in 1703.

The Chevalier Baltazar, officer of Cavalry and Dragoons in the King’s Armies. —Harrewijn made it.
Le Chevalier Baltazar off. er de Cavalerie et de Dragons dans les Armées du Roy. —Harrewyn fec.